G.H. Hill Historical Center
G.H. Hill Historical Center – Replica of the first Pentecostal Church in Mississippi

At the merger which brought into being the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) in 1945, the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee were combined to make up a region. Then in the Regional Conference of 1949, each of these states became an individual district. So the Mississippi District as we know it now was formed in 1949. In the 66 years that has followed, only 8 District Superintendents have served.

M. H. Hansford April 1949-April 1951
Buford Miller April 1951-April 1957, June 1970-Dec. 1971
J. E. Anderson May 1957-May 1970
Lee J. Edwards Jan. 1972-Oct. 1981
G. R. Travis Nov. 1981-May 2003
James E. Carney May 2003-May 2007
James E. Sandy May 2007-May 2009
David Tipton May 2009-

There have been 10 District Secretaries that have served. However, three of the Superintendents also served in the office of the District Secretary (Hansford, Miller, and Travis).

Robert B. Boyd May 1949-May 1952
M. H. Hansford May 1952-May 1958
Buford Miller May 1958-May 1970
G. R. Travis May 1970-May 1976
Hulon Sanford May 1976-May 1980
Floyd Odom May 1980-May 1984
Charles Triplett May 1984-May 1986
Doyle L. Spears May 1986-May 1992
James F. Nations

Dennis M. Davis

May 1992- May 2012

May 2012-

In 1964, while serving as District Superintendent J. E. Anderson bid on the Arlington High School buildings near Philadelphia, MS and 23 acres of land. His bid of $5,000.00 was the only bid thus the property was secured for the Mississippi District United Pentecostal Camp Grounds.

The MS District voted in May 1972 to move Camp Grounds and Headquarters from Philadelphia, MS to 10332 Highway 18W, Raymond, MS. We now have approximately 85 acres of land and nice camp facilities. The State Headquarters is also located at this location with offices for the District Superintendent, District Secretary, Office Staff, and also an office for each of the Department Directors.

The highlight of the year is the Annual Camp Meeting in July on the camp grounds. Camp Meeting begins on Tuesday Evening and continues thru the Friday Night Service. Many come with RV’s, Motor Coaches, and others reside in the dormitories on our camp grounds. Thousands come nightly to be blessed by the preaching of the Word of God from some of the Best Preachers in the World.

The Mississippi District remains dedicated to the One God Message and continues to preach and teach about the Holiness of God.

You are invited to visit the MS District Camp and Headquarters Facilities at any time. You will feel the love and presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.